Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
Session 13
Performance Management Systems
Strategic Issues in Business I
Marketing Management and Consumer Behaviour
Macroeconomics policy issues
P033: Performance appraisal from a multi-level perspective: case study of
a government-linked company in Brunei
P052: The Causal Relationship of Factors Affecting for Developing
Strategies to Drive Business Employee Successors in Digital Industry of Thailand
P040: An Examination on The Effectiveness of Contest Through Social Media
Platforms on Attitudes toward the Company and Purchase Intention
P096: Social Darwinism, the economic implications in the context of
COVID-19 & the Islamic perspective
P082: Integrated Project Performance Management System Design in Project
Management Office of Indonesia Gas Sub-Holding Company
P054: Cross-functional Integration Focusing on Productive Service Quality:
A Case Study on New Product Development Speed
P095: Explaining Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Products of Socially
Responsible Organisations
P098: The Impact of Macroprudential Policy Instrument, Minimum Statutory
Reserve, MIR, and Capital Buffer to Bank Credit Growth in Indonesia
P091: Rerouting Service Operations Management
P061: Factors Influencing the Engagement of Youth in Agroprenuership:
Malaysian Perspectives
P043: Effect of Social Media Communication and Customer Engagement on
Brand Equity: A Conceptual framework
P099: The Role of Domestic and Foreign Economic Uncertainties in
Determining the Foreign Exchange Rate: An Extended Monetary Approach
P090: Effects of Work-Life Balance on Perceived Stress Amidst COVID 19: Evidence from a Malaysian Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
P097: The moderating Effect of Corruption on the Relationship between National Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence from Informal Enterprises in Hostile Environments
P078: Purchase Abandonment in In-store Shopping
P100: Will Belt and Road Initiative Reshape Global Trade? Evidence from
Network Analysis